286 results:

Cameroun : Pose de la première pierre du barrage hydroélectrique de Mekin

Cameroun : Pose de la première pierre du barrage hydroélectrique de Mekin Le ministre camerounais de l’Eau et de l’Energie, Atangana Kouna a annoncé le 11 juillet dernier le démarrage des travaux du…

La BM finance un projet d'interconnexion électrique entre l'Ethiopie et le Kenya

La BM finance un projet d'interconnexion électrique entre l'Ethiopie et le Kenya La Banque mondiale (BM) a approuvé le 12 juillet un financement de 243 millions de dollars pour l'Éthiopie et 441…

Nigeria: New power plant on course, says govt minister

Nigeria: New power plant on course, says govt minister The Nigerian government has announced a new infrastructure project that will form a key part of its plans to accelerate economic expansion in…

Nigeria: Govt minister reveals progress of Kashimbila dam

Nigeria: Govt minister reveals progress of Kashimbila dam he Nigerian federal government has reassured citizens in the state of Taraba that the construction of the Kashimbila dam is on schedule,…

Fort-Victoria génère 60 mégawatts additionnels sur l'Ile Maurice

Fort-Victoria génère 60 mégawatts additionnels sur l'Ile Maurice La deuxième phase des travaux de rénovation de la station thermique de Fort-Victoria, sur l'Ile Maurice, vient de s’achever. Quatre…

La Chine finance un projet de production d'électricité à N'Djamena

La Chine finance un projet de production d'électricité à N'Djamena L’Exim Bank de Chine et le Tchad viennent de signer un accord cadre de financement d'une valeur de 130 millions pour augmenter les…

Nigerian govt signs lucrative energy deal

Nigerian govt signs lucrative energy deal The Nigerian federal government has announced that it has reached a deal with South Korean firm Daewoo Engineering and Construction to provide 10,000MW of…

Kenya secures loan for energy sector upgrades

Kenya secures loan for energy sector upgrades The energy sector in Kenya has been given a significant boost by news of heavy investment from the European Union and France. It has been revealed that…

Loan agreement set to boost Kenya's electricity infrastructure

Loan agreement set to boost Kenya's electricity infrastructure The Kenyan and French governments have announced that they have reached an accord over a loan deal that will lead to significant…

Malawi handed money to construct mini hydropower project

Malawi handed money to construct mini hydropower project The US government has thrown its financial muscle behind plans to construct a mini hydropower project in Malawi, it has been announced. …

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