286 results:

Iceland and Ethiopia agree geothermal development link up

Iceland and Ethiopia agree geothermal development link up Devex Newswire The Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) has agreed a deal with the Ethiopian government which will see the…

Africa sits on its solution to energy crises

Africa sits on its solution to energy crises The Standard Renewable energy, which comes from resources that are continually replenished such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal…

Tanzania: Country to Transform National Energy Sector with Influx of Renewables

Tanzania: Country to Transform National Energy Sector with Influx of Renewables NewsfromAfrica The Republic of Tanzania received endorsement from the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) of an investment…

20 millions de dollars pour une énergie propre

20 millions de dollars pour une énergie propre Malango (Mayotte) La BAD (Banque africaine de développement) a accordé, le 11 septembre, 20 millions de dollars à l'Union des Comores pour renforcer…

AfDB supports clean energy in Comoros with $20.1m

AfDB supports clean energy in Comoros with $20.1m WorldStage The Comoros Energy Sector Support Project will receive grants totaling US $20.1 million to finance the rebuilding the country's…

AfDB Funds Conakry Electricity Network Rehabilitation and Extension Project

AfDB Funds Conakry Electricity Network Rehabilitation and Extension Project
 Sierra Express Media The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group will support Guinea's Conakry Electricity Network…

Tanzania: Dar to Change Energy Sector With Renewables

Tanzania: Dar to Change Energy Sector With Renewables Tanzania Daily News (Dar es Salaam) TANZANIA has received endorsement from the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) for an investment plan that will…

French Development Agency and AfDB to strengthen cooperation through concrete projects

French Development Agency and AfDB to strengthen cooperation through concrete projects PR Newswire The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the French Development Agency (AFD) signed an Exchange of…

Notable progress for wind energy in SA

Notable progress for wind energy in SA Green Business Guide South Africa has 16 wind energy projects that have been given the go-ahead or are under construction, ranging in size from 20.6 MW to 138…

AfDB boosting geothermal development in East Africa: Geothermal Exploration Project in Lake Assal Region Launched

AfDB boosting geothermal development in East Africa: Geothermal Exploration Project in Lake Assal Region Launched Noodls The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Government of Djibouti on …

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