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SADC Project Preparation and Development Facility (PPDF)

Facility URL www.sadcppdf.org
Facility Objectives

The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Project Preparation and Development Facility (PPDF) aims to assist SADC to address the implementation of the SADC Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan (RIDMP), which will promote and contribute to enhancing regional economic integration in the SADC Region.

The purpose of PPDF funding is to enhance sustainable economic growth and the delivery of key services affecting development in the SADC region, through addressing constraints to infrastructure development. The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) has been appointed by the SADC Secretariat as the implementation agent and fund manager for the PPDF.  While the DBSA has responsibility for the administration, management and disbursement of PPDF funds, all financing decisions are taken by the SADC PPDF Steering Committee.

Sectors Energy, Transport, Water & Sanitation, ICT

U.S. Trade and Development Agency

Facility URL www.ustda.gov
Facility Objectives

The U.S. Trade Development Agency (USTDA) is the U.S. government’s project preparation agency. USTDA works globally to link U.S. businesses to export opportunities by funding project preparation and partnership building to support sustainable infrastructure and foster economic growth in partner countries. 

Sectors Energy, Transport, ICT

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