Infrastructure News

China and Mali strengthen cooperation


China has granted Mali a loan of over 149 million dollars to renovate the Bamako-Ségou road.

The signature of the preferential loan agreement took place on Monday, 27 September 2010, at...

Category: Transport

AfDB backs Zambia road project


The African Development Bank (AfDB) is supporting regional integration in the area by backing a transport scheme.

It has agreed to give a $95.6 million (£60 million) loan to fund the Nacala Corridor Phase II Road project...

Category: Transport

New transport project 'to improve bridge in Mali'


The African Development Bank has approved plans to give $18 million (£11.8 million) to aid a transport project in Mali.

It will improve the infrastructure of the Point Y Bridge Woyowayanko in Bamako, with the money...

Category: Transport

Africa 'has to improve air transport safety'


African countries need to open up their air service markets to foreign operators to improve transport safety, one expert has said.

Charles Schlumberger, the World Bank's lead air transport specialist, noted the move would not...

Category: Transport

South Sudan $524m fund 'supports infrastructure projects'


Work must continue to enhance Sudan's infrastructure, but efforts have already proved successful.

This is the conclusion of the World Bank, which explains the country has the potential to enter "a new era of peace and...

Categories: Water, Transport

Morocco invests more than a billion dollars in road infrastructures


Monday September 13 2010, Morocco announced its decision to devote more than 1.2 billion dollars to the development and reinforcement of its road infrastructure in the regions bordering Algeria.


Categories: Transport, Energy

ADF gives grant for road project in Burundi


Wednesday September 22 2010, the African Development Fund (ADF) approved a grant of 36 million dollars to improve an important road system in Burundi.

The funds will be used...

Categories: General, Transport

World Bank: Rwanda transport project allows inter-district movement


A transport project in Rwanda implemented with support from the International Development Association has helped improve links between the country's major cities.

According to the World Bank, the initiative, which began in...

Category: Transport

South Korea strengthens its collaboration with Ghana


In order to strengthen its co-operative relations with Ghana, South Korea is to open an office for its cooperation agency, the Korean International Cooperation Agency, on Ghanaian territory, reports...

Categories: General, Transport, Energy

New funding for transport and energy in West Africa


The Regional Fund for Development and Financing for the transport and energy sectors, known as FODETE-CEDEAO, was officially born last Saturday at Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast.

A ceremony was organized for...

Categories: Transport, Energy

ADB grants over 308 million dollars to Tunisian roads


On September 15, the African Development Bank approved a loan of 308.7 million dollars to the Tunisian government as a contribution to the financing of a major road infrastructure...

Category: Transport

Towards greater cooperation between the ADB and Gabon


The Gabonese Minister of Communication, Laure Gondjout, met a representative of the African Development Bank, J. Gharbi, in order to discuss how to increase their cooperation, especially in the domain of...

Categories: ICT, Transport

European Union cooperates with DRC in road renewal project


An official from the European Development Fund (COFED), Alexis Mwamba, announced on 4 September that the European Commission has mobilized more than 164 million dollars to renew roads in...

Category: Transport

Cameroon: A second bridge over the Wouri by 2015


The Agence France de Développement (AFD), the French Development Agency, has granted more than 97 million dollars to Cameroon to construct a second bridge over the river Wouri.

The work,...

Category: Transport

Infrastructure projects placed Sudan "on a path of recovery"


Transport and sanitation infrastructure projects implemented by the World Bank have gone some way to rebuilding the country.

According to the organisation, which provides technical and financial assistance to developing...

Categories: Water, Transport

China, South Africa solar energy deal 'agreed'


New solar panels are to be produced in South Africa after a Chinese firm signed a contract to boost the country's energy infrastructure.

Suntech Power Holdings, the largest solar panel manufacturer in China, will produce...

Categories: Transport, Energy

Tunisia investing $5.5 billion in high-speed train


Tunisia has just announced its intention to invest 5.5 billion Dollars in developing a high-speed railway line which will link its territory to Libya Morocco, and Algeria.

The investment, which will be spread over the next ten...

Category: Transport

Road construction project 'to benefit retail industry'


A road construction project planned for Zambia is likely to bring a number of advantages to South Africa's retail industry.

This is according to Business Day, which explains the transportation infrastructure scheme will mean...

Category: Transport

South Sudan 'requires new road infrastructure'


Road improvements are being made in south Sudan, although more new links are required for the development to continue.

This is according to Antony Makana, minister for roads and transport, who was quoted by Reuters commenting on...

Category: Transport

Brazil financing the construction of roads in Ghana


Brazil has granted financing of 250 million Dollars to Ghana for a construction programme for highway infrastructures in the east of the country, as announced by the Ghanaian government.

The work will extend over a period of two...

Category: Transport

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