Infrastructure News

Algeria: New measures announced to promote ICT development


Last weekend in Algiers, the minister for Post and Information Technologies (TIC) organised a conference on the role of ICT companies in the creation of jobs.

Moussa Benhamadi announced that...

Category: ICT

World Bank to invest in African infrastructure


African infrastructure projects will benefit from World Bank investment.

A new policy is being launched that will replace the Africa Action Plan and it will have a wider remit than its predecessor, the East African reports.


Categories: General, ICT

AfDB releases infrastructure route map for Zimbabwe


A "comprehensive" infrastructure development plan has been drawn up for Zimbabwe by the African Development Bank (AfDB).

It is hoped the project will help to improve the country's economic fortunes by creating jobs...

Categories: General, ICT, Water, Transport, Energy

Madagascar and Mauritius sign ICT cooperation agreement


Mauritius and Madagascar are to collaborate in the domain of Information and Communication Technology and after signing a protocol of agreement, the Xinhua press agency...

Category: ICT

South Africa to get 30MW power plant


South Africa's energy infrastructure is to receive a boost as a 30MW power plant is to be built.

Engineering and project management consultancy RSV Enco Consulting (Enco) said the project will be used to bring electricity to...

Categories: ICT, Energy

ICT infrastructure set for major boost in South Africa


South Africa's ICT infrastructure is set for a boost as six cities in the nation are to get access to a 1Gbps capable fibre optic broadband network.

The plan by i3Africa to radically improve the country's internet...

Category: ICT

Fiber optic project in the Seychelles: €8 million granted by EIB


During an official visit which took place March 4, the European Investment Bank (EIB) announced its financial support for the first submarine fiber optic project in the Seychelles.

This loan, to the...

Category: ICT

Possible investments by China in East Africa


Discussions between a Chinese delegation and the leaders of the East African Community (EAC) took place in Tanzania, Thursday February 24, with the aim of discussing possible investments,...

Categories: ICT, General, Transport, Energy

12 million dollars to improve ICT in West African universities


UNESCO has signed a financing agreement with the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) with a value of 12 million dollars to finance a project to improve ICT infrastructures in West...

Category: ICT

South Africa's broadband capabilities 'on the up'


South Africa has witnessed a significant improvement in its broadband capabilities thanks to a 243 million South African rand investment (£20 million).

This came from the state-owned Broadband Infraco, which is enhancing...

Category: ICT

AfDB to discuss regional integration


Regional integration in Africa is to be discussed at the annual Partnerships Forum in Tunisia.

Hosted by the African Development Bank (AfDB), the conference will look at the institution's performance in terms of regional...

Categories: General, ICT, Transport, Energy

Infrastructural boost for southern Africa


A range of infrastructure projects in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region are set to receive a financial boost from the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA).

This is because a $300 million (£186...

Categories: ICT, Transport, Energy

Kenya's ICT infrastructure gets boost


Kenya's ICT infrastructure is set to receive a boost as a second high-bandwidth provider is emerging.

Jamii Telecom is going to deliver fibre to the home (FTTH) for the first time in Sub-Saharan African,...

Category: ICT

Africa's ICT revolution 'is just beginning'


The World Bank Group has launched a consultation regarding a new strategy for ICT expansion in Africa and other developing countries.

Managing director Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala explains: "You just have to be in any developing...

Category: ICT

Key infrastructure projects identified in Africa


A number of key infrastructure projects have been earmarked for priority in Africa.

The schemes have been chosen based on the Africa Action Plan (AAP) developed by the African Union and the New Partnership for Africa.


Categories: General, ICT, Transport

EAC to improve infrastructure at borders


The East African Community (EAC) is seeking to cut the cost of doing business in the region by forty per cent.

A $300 million (£187 million) project will improve transport infrastructure and border management in the area,...

Categories: General, ICT, Transport

Angola: Submarine communication cable operational by March


The cost of laying the second submarine communication cable for Angola is estimated at 92 million dollars, it was said last Sunday by António Nunes, engineer with Angola Cable, to...

Category: ICT

Gambia and Mali log onto the Internet by optical fiber


The World Bank is to provide finance of 27 million dollars for a fiber optic cable construction project in Gambia, it was learned by the PANA press agency on January...

Category: ICT

Airtel and IBM collaborate to improve ICT infrastructure in 2011 in Africa


Telephone operator Bharti Airtel, which has a presence in 16 African countries, has just announced its 2001 action plan to improve its telecommunications infrastructure in Africa.


Categories: General, ICT

ICT infrastructural investment 'to help African countries'


ICT infrastructure is to improve in Africa after the International Finance Corporation (IFC) invested in Helios Towers Africa (HTA).

Some $25 million (£15.7 million) is being ploughed into the company so mobile phone towers...

Category: ICT

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