There is general consensus that Africa is moving forward, and slowly but surely shaking off its image as a continent plagued by war, extreme poverty and poor governance. While this may be true, many...
La Mauritanie a signé avec plusieurs investisseurs arabes cinq conventions pour des financements totalisant 625 millions d'euros destinés notamment aux secteurs de l'agriculture, de la pêche et des infrastructures,...
One of the stated aims of this year's World Economic Forum is inclusion. A panel discussion on Africa's future, one that included two sitting presidents from that continent, did its best to emphasize that...
The United States is demanding stricter oversight of World Bank projects amid concern that the bank has slipped in how closely it guards against violence, forced resettlement and other conflict associated...
The European Union and the United Nations are looking to balance short-term security and "stabilisation" measures with immediate humanitarian aid, pledging along with other donors half a billion dollars to...
United States Department of State (Washington, DC)
The U.S. initiative that aims to double access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa has drawn new investments to the fast-growing region, according to representatives of three...
Le démarrage du projet du complexe hydroélectrique de Bururi, dans le sud du Burundi, évalué à 266,67 millions de dollars américains, est prévu pour septembre prochain, a annoncé lundi à Bujumbura M. Côme Manirakiza,...
Donald Kaberuka has ambitious targets for his second and final five-year term as President of the African Development Bank. At the Bank's annual luncheon earl ier this month, he pinpointed security, peace, stability...
Japan´s prime minister finished a three-nation tour of Africa on Monday in which he offered aid and development projects potentially worth billions of dollars to help his nation catch up with...
South Africa expects overwhelming crowds and a host of world leaders to attend services honouring late President Nelson Mandela, though with the ceremonies only days away officials acknowledged Saturday they...
Nelson Mandela, qui a passé dix-huit de ses 27 années de prison au bagne de Robben Island, au large du Cap, est devenu en 1994 le premier président noir du pays après l'abolition de l'apartheid et la tenue d'élections...
In May 2000, the Economist magazine labeled Africa the "Hopeless Continent," claiming that natural disasters, mass murders, a string of wars, institutional constraints and a lack of commitment to...
People need a good condition to do it by themselves. In our corrupt countries, with poor local political decision making killing our economies especially by careless government officials who don't know what's best for us...
L'Afrique a beaucoup appris au Fonds mondial et à la communauté internationale au cours des dix dernières années. Les Africains ont acquis des connaissances vitales en matière d'épidémiologie qui leur...
Ashish Thakkar launched his first company - buying and reselling computers - when he was 15 years old.No, despite that boyish face, it that wasn´t last year - it was 1996, two years after he and his family fled the...
Despite all the praise for the continent's economic growth, the general population does not see positive prospects. The global banking giant Goldman Sachs's report on South Africa, released early November, was titled,...