Infrastructure News

Kenya: Geothermal firm makes first call for investor bids


Business Daily

Government-owned Geothermal Development Company (GDC) has invited investors to bid for contracts to develop three wells with a combined production capacity of 90 megawatts, marking a major milestone for the...

Category: Energy

Tanzania, US sign MoU on partnership under Power Africa initiative



Tanzania, one of the initial set of six Power Africa partner countries, will on Wednesday sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to establish an energy regulatory partnership with regulatory agencies of the US...

Category: Energy

En RDC, le plus ancien parc naturel d'Afrique menacé par l'exploitation pétrolière



C'est le plus ancien parc naturel d'Afrique, celui qui recèle, aussi, la plus grande biodiversité : le parc national des Virunga, situé dans le nord-est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), est ...

Categories: Energy, General

Mozambique and Malawi to discuss power interconnection


Club of

Technicians from Mozambique and Malawi will meet next month in Maputo to discuss a proposal to interconnect the two countries' electricity grids. The meeting will look at the amount of electricity needed...

Category: Energy

Powering Africa a challenge, but could charge wellbeing



Gallup surveys in 26 sub-Saharan African countries in 2012 suggest U.S. President Barack Obama's new initiative to double access to electric power in Africa will be difficult to implement, particularly given the...

Category: Energy

Djibouti va appréhender le développement du solaire



Dans la quête d'une indépendance énergétique basée sur les énergies renouvelles, Djibouti s'apprête à appréhender le développement du solaire en tenant compte de l'évolution des autres projets énergétiques et plus...

Category: Energy

Maroc: le chinois Sepco III va construire une centrale électrique


Jeune Afrique

L'entreprise chinoise Sepco III, spécialiste de l'ingénierie électrique, a signé avec l'Office nationale de l'électricité et de l'eau potable (ONEE) pour l'extension du site de la centrale électrique à charbon de...

Category: Energy

Renewable energy fund for SADC on the cards


The Southern Times

Regions of Climate Action (R20) will next year hold a conference in South Africa to find existing funding gaps in renewable energy within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, an official...

Category: Energy

Côte d'Ivoire €50 million power expansion project


The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved a senior loan of up to €50 million to finance the Ciprel power expansion project in Côte d'Ivoire to increase the existing plant capacity by 222 MW.


Category: Energy

Addressing Africa's Energy Gap for Economic Development


The Huffington Post

One of the key issues for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSAfrica) is bridging the energy-infrastructure gap the region has and the impact of these sectors on the region's overall development.

Yes, we have all heard...

Category: Energy

Southern Africa: SADC - New Frontier for Renewable Energy Sources


Southern African News Features (Harare)

A recent announcement by an international firm that it has invested more than US$12 million in a solar power project in South Africa highlights the emergence of southern Africa as a new...

Category: Energy

Realising a renewable energy dream


Power Engineering International - Penny Hitchin

Access to power is vital for both social and economic development. However, sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), a vast area containing nearly 50 diverse countries with a combined population...

Category: Energy

AfDB finances flagship Djibouti geothermal energy project



The African Development Group (AfDB) has provided financing for a new geothermal energy project in Lake Assal, Djibouti. The project has been established as a public-private partnership, according to ESI-Africa, with the...

Category: Energy

Grands projets d’infrastructures - 4500 milliards de cfa à la Côte d’ivoire - 30 entreprises chinoises déjà installées


D'ici à six ans, la Chine pourrait octroyer dix milliards de dollars de prêts à la Côte d'Ivoire pour financer de grands projets d'infrastructures.

Selon Albert Mabri Toikeusse, ministre chargé du Plan et du...

Category: Energy

Powering Africa


President Obama's "Power Africa" initiative, unveiled during his recent trip there, has the potential to make a major impact on a continent where millions of people - including more than two-thirds of those...

Category: Energy

The Future for Clean Energy in Africa


Smart Energy

The latest thought leadership report produced by Clean Energy Pipeline is based upon the analysis of 140+ responses that Clean Energy Pipeline received for their survey on African renewable energy.

This report...

Category: Energy

Zimbabwe: Batoka power project tops funding talks


The Standard

Financing of regional infrastructure projects including the US$2,8 billion Batoka Gorge hydro-electricity power plant will be up for discussion when three pan-African institutions meet in Tunis this week.


Category: Energy

Geothermal Development in East Africa Boosted By Significant Funding


Smart Energy

A new project supported by the African Development Group plans to exploit the geothermal potential in the Lake Assail region to enable Djiboutian population's access to a reliable, renewable and affordable source of...

Category: Energy

Afrique du Sud : retard pour un méga-projet de centrale électrique



Le groupe public d'électricité sud-africain Eskom a annoncé lundi que sa nouvelle centrale à charbon géante de Medupi (nord) ne serait connectée au réseau qu'au secon d semestre 2014, alors que le pays peine à répondre à la...

Category: Energy

Africa's Role in the Future of the Global Energy Sector


The Knowledge@Wharton Network

As the developed world struggles with decisions concerning fossil fuels and their availability and cost, businesses in Africa and globally have started to think more about how extensive the...

Category: Energy

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