Infrastructure News

Sasol moves towards independence with 2012 sufficiency goals


Sasol Synfuels has said it is suffering from rising prices due to Eskom's expansion projects and has announced plans to move towards independence using natural gas from Mozambique.

Chief executive officer Pat Davies declared that...

Category: Energy

European Union investing in geothermal energy in Kenya


A geothermal energy project is going to be undertaken in Kenya’s Rift Valley.

Financed by the European Union to the amount of 1.7 billion Sh (about 12 million Dollars), the project will be implemented by UNIDO, the UN body...

Category: Energy

African Energy to operate uranium mine in Zambia


The enterprise African Energy Resources have announced their intention of

putting into production their uranium mine at Chirundu in Zambia in 2010.

Category: Energy

Congo invites collaboration on hydropower plant


The Democratic Republic of Congo will open the doors to a $5 billion (£3 billion) Western Power Corridor hydropower project this week, the Congolese ambassador to South Africa has revealed.

In an interview with Bloomberg,...

Category: Energy

Kenya's £990 million transmission line project


Transmissions lines will be built to link Kenya with Ethiopia and Tanzania to reinforce the existing network and allow the latter states access to long-term low tariffs, Capital Business magazine has reported.

The Sh123 billion...

Category: Energy

Tunisia: 66 million Dollars to restructure the electricity network


On Wednesday, 2 September, the African Development Bank (BAD) approved a loan of 87.83 million Tunisian Dinars (66.306 million Dollars) to upgrade the country’s electricity distribution networks.

The loan will go to finance a...

Category: Energy

Loss-making Eskom warns of funding shortages


Eskom has announced that its expansion programme for reducing power shortages will suffer a funding deficiency of 80 billion rand (£6.3 billion) after announcing record losses for this year.

According to the company, the...

Category: Energy

Poor infrastructure 'puts off Agoa investors'


Poor infrastructure is partly to blame for putting off investors, it has been reported. explained the majority of the countries signed up to the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) face problems accessing the...

Categories: General, Transport, Energy

Poorly managed water infrastructure 'affecting power'


Water infrastructure in Africa is not being managed correctly and it could result in power shortfalls, it has been claimed.

Scientists have met at the Sustainable Water Conference in Kenya, calling for better models to be...

Categories: Water, Energy

Power infrastructure restored in Nigeria


Nigeria's energy infrastructure has resumed normal output following damage to its gas supply. A pipeline in the Niger Delta, which supplies energy to a number of power plants, was sabotaged by unknown attackers, AFP reports. The...

Category: Energy

Africa 'should not copy energy infrastructures'


Africa should not follow the examples of China, India and US by investing in carbon-intensive energy infrastructure, it has been claimed.

This is the view of human rights activist and economic policy analyst Mavuto Bamusi,...

Category: Energy

$400m from China for Tanzanian coal project


Tanzanian energy supplies look set to be boosted via a coal power project funded by $400 million on loan from China.

Kiwira has at least 35.14 million tonnes of coal deposits and in two years' time will generate 200 MW, said...

Category: Energy

Zoellick promises Rwanda energy support


World Bank president Robert Zoellick has said more support will be given to Rwanda in its efforts to strengthen nationwide energy supply and infrastructure.

He is currently on a three-country tour of Africa and travelled from the...

Category: Energy

Nuclear energy in Kenya: Identification of potential sites


The Government of Kenya has recently announced that two potential construction sites have been identified for its future nuclear power station, as reports.

The first potential site is close to the Kenyan coast, and is...

Category: Energy

A new electricity project financed by the World Bank in the DRC


A sum of 296.7 million Dollars has been released by the World Bank to finance an electricity project for domestic consumption and export in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, according to APA.

Among the investments made...

Category: Energy

World Bank emphasises potential of DRC power plant


A power plant in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) could hold the key to improving the nation via efficient governance and development, it has been claimed.

World Bank president Robert Zoellick is currently touring three...

Category: Energy

How can US companies help Africa's infrastructure?


American companies should be encouraged to look at the practice of building private rail, power and port assets in Africa.

This is the opinion of president Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf of Liberia, Rwanda's leader Paul Kagame, Botswana's...

Categories: Transport, Energy

Strikes could disrupt SA power infrastructure


The power infrastructure in South Africa (SA) could face huge disruptions due to workers going on strike.

If the National Union of Mineworkers' (NUM) 16,000 employees at the country's largest electricity firm Eskom do not receive...

Category: Energy

World Bank chief to visit Africa


President of the World Bank Group Robert B Zoellick is set to visit Africa next week to help encourage more financial support from donors and investors.

Funding urgently needed for the continent during the current economic crisis...

Categories: General, Transport, Energy

Zimbabwe: A loan to upgrade electricity infrastructures


A loan of 80 million Dollars has been granted to the Zimbabwe national electricity company, it was learned on Tuesday, 4 August 2009.

The financing was obtained from the Development Bank of Southern Africa, which specialises in...

Category: Energy

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