Senegal: USA participates in a hydraulic infrastructure program
6 October 2010
Last Monday, an American public aid development program, the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA), signed a development agreement for a hydraulic infrastructure construction project in Senegal.
This involves improving irrigation and water resources management in the Delta and in the Podor region by constructing major hydraulic infrastructures.
"The aim is to increase agricultural production and thus to help Senegal to achieve self-sufficiency in food", explained Mor Diop, President and MD of the Société d'aménagement des terres du Delta et de la Falémé (Saed), co-signatory of the agreement, to the newspaper Le Soleil.
A package of 567.8 million dollars has been made available by the American government for this program, which also includes the construction of road and agricultural infrastructures.
At the 65th assembly of the United Nations last September, Madické Niang, Senegalese Foreign Minister, encouraged states to invest in the development of hydraulic infrastructures in order to attain the Millennium Objectives for development in 2015.