Countries in the Great Lakes region want infrastructure cooperation
27 July 2011
The countries in the Economic Community of the Great Lakes (CEPGL), Burundi, Rwanda and DRC, met last Monday and Tuesday in Bujumbura to strengthen their cooperation, especially in the domain of infrastructures.
"There are some priority areas which demand special attention. These include energy, infrastructures, agriculture and food security, not forgetting the peace and security sector, without which the previous sectors could not exist" said Herman Tuyaga, executive secretary of the CEPGL, quoted by the Xinhua press agency.
He mentioned the construction of a hydroelectric dam with a capacity of 145 megawatts on the river Ruzizi, which will supply energy to all three member countries of the CEPGL.
This meeting follows the signature of four cooperation agreements on Thursday 7 July between South Korea and the DRC, relating in particular to financing of 150 million USD for the construction of a water production and purification plant in Kinshasa, reports the newspaper Les Afriques.