Cameroon and Nigeria to see improved transport infrastructure

1 February 2011

Transport infrastructure in Cameroon and Nigeria is to benefit from the creation of a new border posting.

David Kamara, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) director of transport and telecommunications, said the scheme will boost trade and "strengthen cooperation" between the two countries.

"The programme would serve as a platform for policy dialogue on transport and trade facilitation, including customs modernisation reforms, improved infrastructure and increased cross-border efficiency," he added.

A decision on who will carry out the construction process has still to be made, but the choice is expected to be finalised by July of this year, while both countries have signed a memorandum of understanding.

As well as the development of the border post, the Bamenda-Mamfe-Abakaliki-Enugu road corridor that links the two nations is set to be rehabilitated and enhanced.

ECOWAS, which was founded in 1975, encompasses 15 countries and looks to promote economic integration for the region.

Category: Transport

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