Infrastructure News

La première centrale nucléaire du Kenya prévue en 2022


Une centrale nucléaire va être construite au Kenya en 2022, a-t-on appris lundi de source gouvernementale.

Le président exécutif du Comité sur le projet d’électricité...

Category: Energy

Africa: Mergermarket - African Merger & Acquisition Activity Hits $3.5 Billion in Q1 2012

28/03/2012 - March 27, 2012


Deals to watch

Ethiopia: The government is seeking investors to help develop a new rail network in the country, according to Mesfin Wubeshet, adviser to the minister of industry. Mr...

Categories: Transport, General, Energy

South Africa: Banks test ‘tap and go’ on public transport


Business Day - March 27, 2012


In South Africa, Absa and Standard Bank are involved in pilot payment technology that does not involve using cash and which they hope will revolutionise the way commuters pay for ...

Category: Transport

Curtailing Illegal Trafficking is Critical to Stable Economy in Africa


US AFRICOM Public Affairs - March 26, 2012

STUTTGART, Germany, Mar 26, 2012 — U.S. Africa Command personnel had a chance to learn about drug smuggling, illegal arms transportation and other issues affecting maritime and...

Category: Transport

South Africa: Ndebele bemoans delays at border posts


fin24 - March 27, 2012

Johannesburg - The government is concerned about delays and congestion at South African border posts, especially at Beitbridge, Transport Minister Sibusiso Ndebele said on Tuesday."The delays at...

Category: Transport

Mali putschists partially reopen airport days after seizing power; demonstrators protest coup


Washington Post - March 26/27, 2012

BAMAKO, Mali — Mali’s coup leaders said Monday they are partially reopening the West African nation’s main airport even as demonstrators marched in the capital to protest last week’s putsch...

Category: Transport

Kenyan elected chair of Federation of East and Southern Africa Road Transport Association (FESARTA)


Business Daily - March 26, 2012

FESARTA is a 26 country body formed in the early 1990’s by several transport operators from Malawi, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland and Tanzania with a...

Category: Transport

Rémy Rioux - new AfDB VP for department for operations in private sector, infrastructure and regional integration (OIVP)


African Development Bank - March 27, 2012

The president of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB), Donald Kaberuka, named three new Vice Presidents on 26 March.  They are Zondo Sakala, Rémy Rioux and Cecilia...

Category: General

World Bank offers financial support for Urban Water Project


The World Bank has confirmed that it has approved a new tranche of financing to the government of Ghana, with the money set to be used to fund the ongoing Urban Water Project.

Indeed, the Bank confirmed that it has agreed to...

Category: Water

Zuma, Hu Jintao talk infrastructure


South - March 27, 2012

Chinese President Hu Jintao paid a courtesy call on South African President Jacob Zuma on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea on Monday. The two discussed the...

Category: General

U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation Takes Action on Zambia, Malawi, Mali


US Government IIP Digital - March 26, 2012

Washington — The U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation’s (MCC) board of directors has voted to invest $350 million to help improve water infrastructure in Lusaka, Zambia.


Category: Water

Kenya Shippers Say South Sudan Trade Increases Border Congestion


Bloomberg - March 26, 2012

Kenya and Uganda’s government must upgrade infrastructure at the town Malaba on their mutual border to cater for increased traffic from South Sudan, the Kenya Shippers Council said.

South Sudanese...

Category: Transport

Multiple Taxes on Nigeria's Growing Telecoms Sector (video)


ABNDigital - March 22, 2012

Some telecom operators have raised alarm over what they call Undue taxes and levies imposed on them by government and its agencies across Nigeria which they claim will push up tarrifs. The NCC has...

Category: ICT

Afrique : 93 milliards de dollars par an pour les infrastructures


Selon une nouvelle étude réalisée par la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l’Afrique et la Commission de l’Union africaine, l’Afrique devra investir 93 milliards de dollars par an dans les infrastructures pour stimuler...

Categories: Energy, General, ICT, Water, Transport

Report hails expansion of Africa's internet infrastructure


A new report, produced by Internet World Stats, has claimed that infrastructure improvements have driven growth in Africa's internet and broadband sector, Peace FM Online has reported.

This is largely thanks to wireless...

Category: ICT

South Africa may turn to private sector for help with mine-water pollution (video)


Mining - March 23, 2012

JOHANNESBURG -- The South African government is considering turning to the private sector to help it close the prevailing funding gap to implement projects to deal with the serious acid mine...

Category: Water

South African President Jacob Zuma opens Port Ngqurha (video)


ABNDigital - March 20, 2012

South African President Jacon Zuma officially opened the port of Ngqurha in the province of the Eastern Cape last week. Built at a cost of almost R10 billion over 10 years, the port is part of the...

Category: Transport

Tanzania: World Water Day, Grim Reminder of Water Shortage

26/03/2012 - March 25, 2012

As Water Week closed last Thursday, many villages in the country still face shortage of clean water. Mothers in the rural areas, with a baby on their back, still walk long distances in search for...

Category: Water

Zimbabwe: Harare Still to Receive U.S.$144 Million From China

26/03/2012 - March 26, 2012

HARARE is still to receive the US$144 million water and sanitation loan from China several months after the deal was sealed.

The full council meeting last Thursday approved another US$100 million...

Category: Water

Les travaux du réseau de fibre optique vont débuter prochainement au Burundi


La fibre optique, qui permet d'accéder à l'internet haut débit de dernière génération, devrait bientôt faire son entrée au Burundi.

Les travaux d’installation...

Category: ICT

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