The Lake Basin Development Authority (LBDA) has announced that it is set to spend as much as Sh125 billion (£94.8 billion) constructing new dams in 2012, The Star reports.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has announced that it is to invest as much as Sh3 billion (£22.8 million) in Thika Power in a bid to improve Kenya's energy supplies, The Star reports.
Le Conseil des ministres angolais a approuvé mercredi 29 mai un projet de développement des infrastructures d'approvisionnement en eau potable du pays.
Ce projet comprend la construction de 152 systèmes...
Investors and holidaymakers have been drawn to Kenya in recent months thanks to new roads that have been constructed by Chinese construction firms, has reported.
Le vice-président sud-africain Kgalema Motlanthe a annoncé le 29 mai que son gouvernement souhaitait alimenter le pays en électricité par le biais d'autres sources que le charbon, dont...
In order to achieve significant and sustainable growth, Africa must address infrastructure problems and the inadequate diversification of industrial output.
That is a according to Rob Davies, South Africa's trade and industry...
Une nouvelle centrale thermique d'une capacité de 7,5 MW a été inaugurée le 31 mai à Saurimo, en Angola, par le ministre d'État et de la Coordination Économique,...
La mise en œuvre du projet régional d'Infrastructures à Large Bande (EAC-BIN) au sein de la Communauté est-africaine (EAC) fait face à d'immenses défis.
In order to boost the African tourism industry, countries across the continent need to continue to invest in their infrastructure and improve their human resource.
That is according to Taleb Rifai, the United Nations World...
In order to make the necessary infrastructure improvements in the continent of Africa, as much as $60 billion (£38.2 billion) is needed over the next decade.
That is the conclusion of the Global African Diaspora Summit in...
La Banque Mondiale a accordé un prêt de 58 millions de dollars au Gabon afin de financer la connexion du pays au câble sous-marin de fibre optique ACE (Africa Cost to Europe).
A Mozambique council is to invest 50 million metcais (£1.21 million) in repairing and improving its roads to help boost the local economy. Dozens of routes have fallen into disrepair in the country's capital of Maputo,...
The African Water Facility will provide a €2 million (£1.6 million) grant to help provide multi-purpose water resource projects in South Sudan and Ethiopia. That is after the African Development Bank (AfDB) approved...