Infrastructure News

Signature d'un mémorandum d'entente pour la construction d'un pont entre le Sénégal et la Gambie


Un mémorandum d'entente pour la construction d’un pont sur le fleuve Gambie a été signé le 4 août 2012 par les ministres des Affaires étrangères du Sénégal...

Category: Transport

Angola: First wind power plant announced


The Angolan government has announced the construction of the country's first wind power plant, in the Tombua region, according to the Angola Press. The project, which is expected to be completed by 2016, has been commissioned in...

Category: General

Nigerian oil tank facility to be completed in 2013


Nigerian company Pinnacle Oil and Gas Limited (POGL) has announced that the construction of a 400,000 metric tonne tanker farm will be completed in 2013. The project, which is funded in conjunction with China Petroleum...

Category: Energy

Le barrage de Ngove va être inauguré en Angola


Le directeur du bureau administratif du bassin hydrographique du fleuve Cunene, Armindo Mário Gomes da Silva, a annoncé jeudi 2 août à l'agence de presse Angop que l'inauguration du barrage hydroélectrique de Ngove aurait lieu...

Categories: Energy, Water

Ghana: IFC invests in power generation


World Bank member the International Finance Confederation (IFC) has provided an $80 million loan to the Takoradi International Company (TICO) with a view to expanding its gas-fired Takoradi Two power plant.

In addition to the...

Category: Energy

Angola: Minister for transport inaugurates railway stations



Angolan minister for transport Augusto da Silva Tomas has inaugurated seven new railway stations belonging to the Luanda Railway Company (CFL), according to Angola Press.

The stations, which were constructed following the...

Request for Expression of Interest: Review of ICA Strategic Business Plan


ICA will require a suitably qualified individual consultant over a period of 3 months (commencing September 2012) for REVIEW OF THE ICA STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN (2010-2012/2013).

Category: General

2012 presents full calendar of activities following ICA’s participation in African Water Week in Cairo, 15-18 May 2012


The year 2012 has brought a full calendar of activities for the Water Platform (WP) of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA). Launched in 2011, the first ICA WP Meeting was held in March 2012, attracting international...

Category: Water

Cameroun : Démarrage des travaux de construction du barrage de Lom Pangar


La pose de la première pierre du barrage de Lom Pangar au Cameroun a eu lieu vendredi 3 août, selon le journal Cameroon Tribune.

Le site de Lom Pangar se trouve sur la rivière Lom, à environ 120 km au nord de la ville de...

Categories: Energy, Water

Nigeria and South Africa to partner on energy


A news release made available to Cape Town journalists this week states that the government of South Africa will be partnering its Nigerian counterpart on the development of the energy sector. According to the South African...

Category: Energy

Algérie : Lancement imminent des travaux de réhabilitation de l'aéroport de Chlef


L’aéroport international Aboubakr Belkaïd de Chlef, en Algérie,  bénéficiera de travaux d’extension et de modernisation.

Le journal El Watan rapporte que le ministère des Transports a donné son aval pour cette intervention....

Category: Transport

Eksom Uganda invests $15 million in power stations


Uganda's aging Nalubaale hydroelectric power station in Jinja will produce efficient energy for another 20 years thanks to a $15 million (convert?) investment from Eksom Uganda, according to New Vision. Hydroelectric power...

Category: Energy

La BIDC finance la construction d'infrastructures routières en Côte d'Ivoire


Un pont entre Yopougon et l'Ile Boulay va être construit  à Abidjan grâce à l'octroi par la Banque d'investissement et de développement de la Cedeao (BIDC) d’un financement de 8,3 millions de dollars.

La BIDC a approuvé...

Category: Transport

Rwanda to acquire global broadband infrastructure


Rwanda will be one of six African nations to benefit from new wireless broadband base stations, according to The New Times. The equipment will be provided by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Nexpedience, one...

Category: ICT

Bénin: La BOAD finance un projet d'aménagement de la Route des pêches


La Banque ouest-africaine de développement (BOAD) a accordé lundi 30 juillet un prêt de 24 millions de dollars au gouvernement béninois afin de contribuer au financement du projet d'aménagement de la Route des pêches.

Pour le...

Category: Transport

La BOAD investit près de 130 millions USD dans les infrastructures d'Afrique de l'Ouest


La Banque ouest-africaine de développement (BOAD) compte investir près de 130 millions de dollars pour la réhabilitation et la construction d'infrastructures routières au Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali...

Category: Transport

China makes investment in African infrastructure projects


Chinese Ambassador Zhao Jianhua has revealed details of the substantial investment the country will make in infrastructure projects in Africa over the next few years, reports. Earlier this week, it was confirmed that...

Category: General

Une centrale de géothermie et de biogaz pourrait être construite à Djibouti


Une centrale de géothermie et de biogaz pourrait voir le jour à Djibouti grâce a un investissement du groupe de BTP TranProvincial.

Le conglomérat indien envisagerait en effet d'investir 500 millions de dollars dans ce projet,...

Categories: Energy, Water

Nigeria: World Bank to help fund new infrastructure projects


The World Bank has announced that it is to help finance a number of significant infrastructure projects in the west African state of Nigeria. According to the Bank, it is set to provide a seed fund of $200 million to create a...

Category: General

Central Bank of Nigeria provides funding for new power projects


The Central Bank of Nigeria has announced that it is helping to fund some major infrastructure projects in the west African state, which is seeking rapid economic expansion, Vanguard reports. To this end, the Bank has agreed to...

Category: General

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