Infrastructure News

Africa beginning major road-building spree


Transport News

Africa is currently embarking on a major investment in its road network, with Chinese organisations, particularly those in the mining industry, providing much of the investment.

Alongside this, a significant...

Category: Transport

International support for geothermal energy in developing countries took a leap forward


International support for geothermal energy in developing countries took a leap forward on October 28, 2013 when the Clean Technology Fund (CTF), a program of the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), approved $115 million...

Category: Energy

Africa: Leveraging the Continent's Resources to Finance Vital Infrastructure - Kaberuka


All Africa

Donald Kaberuka has ambitious targets for his second and final five-year term as President of the African Development Bank. At the Bank's annual luncheon earl ier this month, he pinpointed security, peace, stability...

Category: General

Build Africa Forum on Infrastructure attracts global Presidents


BizNis Africa by Bontle Moeng

The BUILD Africa Forum is pleased to announce the participation of global leaders, during the two day forum on infrastructure in Africa, to be held under Denis Sassou N´Guesso, President of the...

Japan´s Leader Pledges Aid on Africa Tour


The New York Times by Martin Fackler

Japan´s prime minister finished a three-nation tour of Africa on Monday in which he offered aid and development projects potentially worth billions of dollars to help his nation catch up with...

Category: General

Energy fund approves $1m grant for Mauritian cooling project


Engineering News

Development fund, the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (Sefa), has approved a $1-million project preparation grant to support construction group Sotravic in the development and installation of a sea water air...

Category: Energy

Air Algérie: de nouvelles lignes vers l'Europe et l'Afrique


El Watan

Le PDG d'Air Algérie, Mohamed Salah Boultif, a indiqué hier que la compagnie aérienne compte se redéployer à l'international à travers l'ouverture prochaine de nouvelles lignes vers plusieurs capitales africaines et...

Category: Transport

Ressources hydrauliques: L'Afrique croît en l'avenir de la biotechnologie



Des experts ont plaidé, mercredi à Marrakech, pour la promotion de la biotechnologie dans le traitement des eaux usées en Afrique, une technique écologique et peu coûteuse qui est susceptible de contribuer à résoudre les...

Category: Water

Maroc: Le programme régional d'économie de l'eau d'irrigation fort prometteur



La région Doukkala- Abda comporte une superficie agricole utile (SAU) de 1,06 million d'hectares et un périmètre irrigué 114.650 ha (11% de la SAU).

Elle contribue, d'une façon substantielle, à la production agricole...

Category: Water

Cameroon: EDC devotes over 60% of its 2014 investment budget to the Lom Pangar Dam


Business in Cameroon

The board of Electricity Development Corporation (EDC), the States body with oversight in energy infrastructure, adopted a balanced budget for 2014 on December 27, 2013 amounting to 80.8 billion FCfa, of...

Category: Energy

Nigeria: Utilise ADB's $184.2m loan for rural electrification Stakeholders


National Mirror

Stakeholders in the power sector of the economy have said the best way to utilise the $184.2 million African Development Bank loan to achieve effective results is to channel the monies into the Operation Light Up...

Category: Energy

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