When President Jacob Zuma appointed Elizabeth Dipuo Peters to the post of Energy Minister in 2009 one of the key performance areas he asked her to progress was getting greater private sector...
The African Development Bank (AfDB), will participate in "Transform Africa 2013 Summit" to be hosted by the government of Rwanda from 28 to 31 October in Kigali.
Days after declaring his own generation had "failed," rock star philanthropist Bob Geldof has told Al Jazeera that the next generation will do so too.Geldof had struck the previous pessimistic note at The One Young...
Several African countries have potentially viable shale gas deposits, which, if developed, could lead to lower gas prices, increased consumption of natural gas, reduced greenhouse gas emissions from power generation and...
Within days of each other in June, President Barack Obama and US legislators across the spectrum announced a push to lift Africa´s development by providing electricity to millions without it.
Significant oil reserves have been discovered in Uganda and Kenya in recent years. However before Kenyans and Ugandans can benefit from the discoveries infrastructure challenges, political issues and special...
Africa is for the first time embracing large-scale Islamic finance as countries seek to tap cash-rich Middle Eastern investors to finance their large infrastructure programmes.
Between 2011 and 2012, the African Development Bank (AfDB) increased by 92% its investment in clean energy in Africa, according to a new report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
Sept africains sur 10 possèdent leurs propres téléphones portables. C´est ce qui ressort de l´enquête Afrobaromètre 2013 menée dans 34 pays du continent. Pour les besoins de cette enquête, 51.000 personnes ont été...
Sur le continent, le trafic devrait tripler d'ici à 2029. Mais si les aménagements aéroportuaires ne suivent pas l'évolution de la demande, cette croissance risque d'être fauchée en plein vol.
The Loan Market Association (LMA) says that seven out of the 10 fastest growing economies in the world over the next decade will be African, and Ethiopia, Mozambique and Tanzania are expected to lead the ...
When University President Peter Salovey said the word "Africa" in his Sunday inaugural speech, it was the first time any Yale president had mentioned the continent in such a high-profile...
Cinq des sept milliards de terriens utilisent la technologie mobile. Parmi les nombreux enjeux de développement auxquels elle répond, la question de la bancarisation et de l'accès aux structures financières pour les...
La Banque a rabe pour le développement économique de l'Afrique (BADEA) vient d'accorder un prêt de 10 millions de dollars au Burkina Faso, pour les travaux de construction du futur Aéroport international de...
La Banque mondiale et Djibouti ont signé lundi un accord de financement pour l'exploitation des ressources volcaniques de Djibouti afin de produire de l'énergie géothermique.
Clean energy entrepreneurs - The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA), a multi-donor initiative administered by the African Development Bank (AfDB), will participate in the West Africa Clean Energy Finance Forum...
Le projet Inga III Basse Chute constitue un mega deal entre Kinshasa et Pretoria. L'Afrique du Sud s'engage à prendre le gros morceau du courant électrique qui sera produit par Inga III en promettant d'acheter la moitié de...
Mr. Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General and Chair of the Africa Progress Panel, has challenged governments in Africa to wisely manage revenues that come from the continent's natural resources. In managing these...