Infrastructure News

Afrobaromètre 2013 : Le téléphone mobile se porte bien en Afrique



Sept africains sur 10 possèdent leurs propres téléphones portables. C´est ce qui ressort de l´enquête Afrobaromètre 2013 menée dans 34 pays du continent. Pour les besoins de cette enquête, 51.000 personnes ont été...

Category: ICT

Aérien : les aéroports africains décollent-ils?


Jeune Afrique

Sur le continent, le trafic devrait tripler d'ici à 2029. Mais si les aménagements aéroportuaires ne suivent pas l'évolution de la demande, cette croissance risque d'être fauchée en plein vol.

L'aéroport de...

Category: Transport

Why the world's technology giants are investing in Africa



"I don't understand. Why is it that the media only seems to talk about Africa when bad things happen?"

The man behind the counter at my hotel in the Ghanaian capital, Accra, was talking to me about my job, and why...

Category: ICT

Infrastructure boom propels African economy


ERTA (Ethiopia)

The Loan Market Association (LMA) says that seven out of the 10 fastest growing economies in the world over the next decade will be African, and Ethiopia, Mozambique and Tanzania are expected to lead the ...

Category: Transport

Africa Is Warmer Thanks to Ozone Hole Over Antarctica


The infamous hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica may have caused warming in southern Africa over the past two decades, researchers say.

However, as the hole in the ozone layer continues to shrink due to ...

Categories: Energy, General

With new president, Yale looks to Africa


Yale Daily News

When University President Peter Salovey said the word "Africa" in his Sunday inaugural speech, it was the first time any Yale president had mentioned the continent in such a high-profile...

Category: General

De nombreux Africains paient leurs factures d'eau et d'électricité avec leur téléphone



Cinq des sept milliards de terriens utilisent la technologie mobile. Parmi les nombreux enjeux de développement auxquels elle répond, la question de la bancarisation et de l'accès aux structures financières pour les...

Categories: ICT, Energy

Dix millions de dollars de la BADEA pour le futur Aéroport international de Ouagadougou



La Banque a rabe pour le développement économique de l'Afrique (BADEA) vient d'accorder un prêt de 10 millions de dollars au Burkina Faso, pour les travaux de construction du futur Aéroport international de...

Category: Transport

Djibouti et la Banque Mondiale signent un accord pour le développement de la géothermie



La Banque mondiale et Djibouti ont signé lundi un accord de financement pour l'exploitation des ressources volcaniques de Djibouti afin de produire de l'énergie géothermique.

L'IDA, institution de la Banque mondiale...

Category: Energy

West Africa: Best clean energy entrepreneurs to be honoured



Clean energy entrepreneurs - The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA), a multi-donor initiative administered by the African Development Bank (AfDB), will participate in the West Africa Clean Energy Finance Forum...

Category: Energy

L'électricité d'Inga III attire déjà des preneurs: Pretoria compte acheter 2 500 MW des 4 800 MW à produire



Le projet Inga III Basse Chute constitue un mega deal entre Kinshasa et Pretoria. L'Afrique du Sud s'engage à prendre le gros morceau du courant électrique qui sera produit par Inga III en promettant d'acheter la moitié de...

Category: Energy

Africa's governments must manage natural resource rents wisely - Kofi Annan


Ghana Web

Mr. Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General and Chair of the Africa Progress Panel, has challenged governments in Africa to wisely manage revenues that come from the continent's natural resources. In managing these...

Category: General

Cloud computing: Boundless opportunities for African Entrepreneurs


Capital FM

Cloud computing is not just a game-changer for big businesses in developed nations. In Africa, it's rapidly turning the continent into a place of rich opportunity for bright-eyed entrepreneurs, who are finding they...

Category: ICT

What Africa can learn from medieval Europe


The Economist

Over the last few decades, Africa's failure to achieve rapid growth has puzzled economists. GDP statistics clearly show that African economies have failed to converge with Europe's since the Second World...

Category: General

Reykjavik Geothermal To Build 1000MW Power Plant In Ethiopia


Ventures Africa

US-Icelandic geothermal development company, Reykjavik Geothermal (RG), has agreed to build a 1000MW geothermal plant in Ethiopia to help the East African nation harness its energy potential. The power plant...

Category: Energy

Transforming Africa Through Leadership



This piece is one of three articles on tackling global education, with a special focus on Africa, and is published in partnership with the Financial Times' This is Africa magazine.

Recently, I met two young men who will...

Category: General

Building Africa's Silicon Savannah


Ventures Africa

The Konza Techno City initiative was launched as part of the economic pillar of Kenya's Vision 2030 development plan, with this new "smart city" dubbed Africa's `Silicon Savannah'.

Many expect that...

Category: ICT

Africa50 Fund aims to catalyse infrastructure development



Made in Africa Foundation (MIAF) has partnered with African Development Bank (AfDB) to co-manage and market initiatives that will catalyse funding for Africa's largest infrastructure delivery vehicle...

Category: Transport

JICA Reaches Out to West Africa for Regional Economic Integration



The share of world exports represented by Africa has for decades been tiny, and today it is slightly above 3 percent.

Meanwhile, Asia's share has reached more than 20 percent, having more than doubled since 1990, according...

Category: General

Ethiopia: Powering Africa Meeting to Be Hosted in Ethiopia


Government of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)

The second Power Africa Investment meeting will be held November 28-29, this year, in Addis Ababa.

The meeting is designed as an executive dialogue where senior-level international...

Category: Energy

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