Infrastructure News

Africa’s fastest-growing ICT nations


BizTech Africa - New figures released by ITU show that information and communication technology (ICT) uptake continues to grow worldwide, spurred by a steady fall in the price of telephone and broadband Internet services.


Category: ICT

Liberia Maintains Strong Advocacy for Supports to Energy Sector At World Confab in Tokyo


All - Liberia's Finance Minister, Amara Konneh knows first-hand what access to electricity can bring to the developing countries, particularly in his post-conflict Liberia where the need for restoring the energy...

Categories: Energy, Water

South Africa - Broad-based call for grid-access rules certainty


Creamer Media's Engineering News - State-owned power utility Eskom, regulatory authority the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) and an independent power analyst called for the finalisation of revisions to laws...

Category: Energy

Ethiopian Builder Sees Revenue Doubling on Infrastructure Spend


Bloomberg Business Week - Sur Construction Plc, a construction company with ties to Ethiopia’s ruling party, expects to almost double revenue this year as the state boosts investment in infrastructure, General Manager Tadesse...

Categories: Energy, Transport, ICT, General

Rising water infrastructure investments to spur demand for water-treatment chemicals


Creamer Media's Mining Weekly - Rising investment in water infrastructure, along with infrastructure development trends and overall regional economic development, is expected to trigger increased demand for water-treatment...

Category: Water

How corporates benefit from Africa's new business deals


Africa Report - When African telecom companies started to emerge in the late 1990s, many scoffed. How could it be, went the general chatter, that Africans have money to spend on telecoms? Several multi-millionaires later, after...

Categories: ICT, Energy

Tanzania: Dar es Salaam to Build Undersea Cable to Uganda

08/10/2012 - Tanzania has entered into a contract with Uganda to build an alternative route for the undersea cable via Mutukula to overcome the inconveniences caused by businesses persistent internet cable breakdown.


Category: ICT

Video: South Africa - The Rea Vaya Express Bus System


Traffic congestion is a perennial problem in Johannesburg. One solution could be Rea Vaya, the first public bus rapid transit system, the first of its kind in Africa. The Rea Vaya buses are replacing thousands of taxis and...

Category: Transport

Video: AIT Infotech Network - 1 Year of Communication Technology Ministry in Nigeria


This episode brings the fall outs of ICT Outsourcing in Nigeria and the Advent of Communication Technology Ministry in Nigeria, the Journey so far and introspect into the future an exclusive interview with the Minister.AIT...

Category: ICT

Video: Ted Talk - 21st Century School-in-a-Box for the Developing World: Jim Teicher


In this talk, Jim provides examples of how innovative technology can be used to transform education in communities that face significant barriers in access to technological resources and even electricity. Jim is cofounder and...

Categories: Energy, ICT

Video: South Africa - Profile of O.R.TAMBO International Airport


Profile on Africa's busiest airport, and on how Airports Company South Africa was able to make radical infrastructure development rapidly needed for the 2010 Fifa World Cup without closing the airport or affecting operations...

Category: Transport

SAA receives much-anticipated R5bn guarantee


(Engineering News) - The South African government confirmed on Tuesday that a much-anticipated, and highly controversial, R5-billion guarantee had been extended to South African Airways (SAA) for a period of two years, ...

Category: Transport

South Africa: Troubled parastatals look to Africa for growth


(Mail & Guardian) - Malusi Gigaba's department of public enterprises has set its eyes on the burgeoning markets in the rest of Africa in a bid to grow profits for the country's ailing parastatals.

...Gigaba said the...

Category: Transport

Reducing Poverty in South Africa by Cutting Time in Traffic


(IPS) - In South Africa, Bus Rapid Transit systems, which were pioneered to great effect in Latin American countries such as Colombia and Brazil, are being promoted as potentially effective ways of delivering improved public...

Category: Transport

Namibia: Mobile Sector Still Under-Developed


( Era) - Namibia is not far behind in catching up with mobile communication technologies since the first ever-mobile communication device was launched in 1996.

Even though there is still room for improvement,...

Category: ICT

South Africa: Provincial roads maintenance backlog nearly 11 000 km


(Creamer Media's Engineering News) - The Department of Transport has set aside a R6.47-billion grant to ease the road maintenance and repair backlog for provincial roads in South Africa during the 2011/12 financial year, said...

Category: Transport

Kenya port to benefit as rebels quit Somalia's Kismayu


(Reuters) - Kenya's main port of Mombasa, East Africa's chief trade gateway, expects more business after an offensive that has driven rebels out of Somalia's Kismayu port and is therefore likely to reduce offshore piracy ...

Category: Transport

Kenya: Power Line to Ethiopia Ready

02/10/2012 (East African Business Week): Nairobi — The African Development Fund will finance a multibillion electricity highway project between Kenya and Ethiopia to the tune of $348 million.

The line will see Kenya achieve...

Category: Energy

Interview: V. Bassant, Director of Cooperation & Infrastructure, Ministry of Finance & Economic Development, Mauritius


African Development Bank: In this interview, Mr. Bassant underscores the important role of the AfDB in future infrastructure and energy projects in his country, following a brainstorming session organized by the Bank’s...

Category: Energy

Prix d’excellence du Trésor américain pour le projet routier Mali-Sénégal : Quelles leçons la BAD doit-elle en tirer pour engranger d’autres projets à succès?


Banque africaine de développement : Le projet d’amélioration du réseau routier Bamako-Dakar, qui a remporté, le 8 juin 2012 à Washington DC, le prix d’excellence du Trésor américain pour «le projet à fort impact sur le ...

Category: Transport

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