The members of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) seek to facilitate sustainable investment in infrastructure development from both public and private sources. This study has been procured to assess the potential...
Eddy Njoroge, the managing director of KenGen, the Kenyan electricity generating company, has revealed ambitious plans to create a gas-fired power plant to run on imported liquefied natural gas.
Kamal al-Ganzouri, the prime minister of Egypt, has announced plans to build a new airport in Ras Sedr, with the cost of the construction work expected to reach as much as LE 600 million.
Les travaux de construction du barrage hydro-électrique Zongo II, dans la région du Bas-Congo, en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), ont débuté mercredi 16 mai.
Le coordinateur général de la Société EDG (Electricité de Guinée), Abdoulaye Kéita, a procédé le 11 mai dernier dans le quartier de Tombo à Kaloum en...
The Nigerian government has announced that it has secured the funding it needs to improve the country’s energy infrastructure and the use of solar technology in particular.
A new wave of funding has been provided by the Japanese...
Le Premier ministre guinéen Mohamed Saïd Fofana a procédé le 11 mai au lancement des travaux de construction de la route T5 Sud Kissosso-Le Prince, qui s'étendra sur 1 950 km.
The Nigerian federal government has confirmed that it has endorsed significant levels of investment in key areas of the country's economy, This Day has reported.
Olusegun Aganga, the Nigerian minister for trade and investment...
The Nigerian minister of power, Professor Barth Nnaji, has announced that the government is to make a concerted effort to improve power infrastructure capacity in a number of major cities, including the capital city Abuja.
L’Agence française de développement a accordé jeudi dernier un prêt de 78,9 millions de dollars au Cameroun afin de participer au financement de la construction du barrage hydroélectrique...
Le gouvernement de la République démocratique du Congo a présenté un nouveau programme de développement du secteur des télécommunications aux députés du pays.
The Nigerian minister for aviation, Princess Stella Oduah, has announced that the government will award a construction contract for a new airport in the capital city of Abuja. There are a number of airport construction and...
The 8th Annual Meeting of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) will be held on June 11th-13th, 2012 in Tunis, Tunisia to discuss infrastructure investment and development in Africa.
Le ministre burkinabé de l'Agriculture et de l'Hydraulique, Laurent Sedogo, a lancé samedi dernier les travaux de réhabilitation de sept barrages à travers le pays.