Infrastructure News

Malawi retreats on navigation shire and Zambezi


The Zimbabwean | February 11, 2012

Last year relations between the two countries cooled when Malawi inaugurated a port at Nsanje on the Shire – but the Mozambican authorities refused to allow barges laden with fertilizer to...

Why flying in Africa is getting harder even as airlines expand fleets


The East African | February 11, 2012

...Most African airports are expected to see an increase in passenger traffic as the continent opens up to the world for business.

The need to expand the airports is highlighted by the...

Mobile money slowly turning East Africa into cashless society


The East African |February 11, 2012

Mr Ndiwalana has a wealth of knowledge on this topic. He is currently leading research at Grameen Foundation in Uganda, a global non-profit organisation that works to replicate the work of...

Uganda wins concessions from oil companies


The East African |February 11, 2012

Prospects for bringing Uganda’s oil to the surface within the revised timeframe of 2015/17 have become brighter with the February 3 signing of new Production Sharing Agreements between the...

Une nouvelle centrale solaire de 50MW en Afrique du Sud


Le producteur de matériaux semi-conducteurs Soitec a annoncé jeudi avoir signé un accord avec la banque sud-africaine Investec Bank pour financer la construction d'une centrale photovoltaïque en...

Category: Energy

President Zuma's State of the Nation address


South African Government Information  February 9, 2012

Read President Zuma's speech presenting important issues related to infrastructure and energy.

Namibia Pursues Nuclear Energy Dreams With France's Areva


Oil  | February 11, 2012

Namibia, the fourth biggest uranium producer in the world, first floated the idea of acquiring a nuclear power plant of its own four years ago. Rio Tinto and Australian miner Paladin...

Lamu abuzz with construction as South Sudan seeks new pipeline


The East African | February 11, 2012

A high level delegation from South Sudan has been in Kenya through the week to initiate negotiations with over rights of passage for the 2,000 kilometre crude oil pipeline the country has...

South African President Outlines Massive Infrastructure Spending


Bernama | February 10, 2012

South Africa will spend billions of rands over the coming years on new infrastructure, with the government to focus on building rail, road, and economic links in five regions in the country and...

Tanzania: 50 million euro EIB loan to upgrade airports


Reuters Africa | February 10, 2012

Tanzania has signed a 50 million euro ($66.5 million) loan facility with the European Investment Bank (EIB) to upgrade regional airports to boost tourism and air transport in east Africa's...

Category: Transport

South Africa to Lure Miners With $40 Billion Railways Boost


Bloomberg Business Week | February 10, 2012

South Africa is ramping up spending on railways and roads to lure mining investment as the government fights off calls from within the ruling African National Congress to...

Le Zimbabwe bénéficie du soutient du FMI pour l’amélioration de ses infrastructures


Le ministre des finances du Zimbabwe, Tendai Biti, a annoncé que près de 110 millions de dollars vont être octroyés au financement de plusieurs projets d’infrastructures prioritaires tels que...

Categories: Water, Energy

Plus de 242 milliards de dollars seront investis au Gabon pour développer les infrastructures


Le Chef d’Etat Gabonais, Ali Bongo Ondimba, a dévoilé lundi dernier un nouveau plan national de développement des infrastructures.

« Ce sont environ 12 000 milliards de FCFA (242,5 milliards USD)...

Categories: Water, Transport

President Zuma reveals details of ambitious infrastructure plans


Transnet, the state-owned transport business, has announced plans to spend 300-billion rand in a bid to improve the transportation of natural materials around the country.

The news has been confirmed by Jacob Zuma, the South...

Category: General

Study on Africa's renewable energies potential


European Commission Joint Research Centre | February 8, 2012

The JRC has published a study mapping the potential of renewable energy sources in Africa. The report analyses the continent's current energy consumption and...

Into Africa: Institutional Investor Intentions to 2016


Invest AD report written by the Economist Intelligence Unit

According to a recent Invest AD-Economist Intelligence Unit survey, many global institutional investors intend to take their first significant step into Africa in the...

S&P report discusses South African infrastructure ratings


Reuters | February 6, 2012

In response to investors' questions regarding methodology for assessing the credit quality of rated South African infrastructure companies, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services has published a...

Cloud computing set to revolutionise African IT industry


Abby Wakama, Publisher and Executive Editor for, was discussing cloud's future on the continent in the build-up to presenting at the Cloud Computing World Forum Africa, to be held in Johannesburg on 8th May...

Partnership deal bolsters Nigerian broadband


IT News Africa |  February 6, 2012

Nigerian carrier services provider Phase3 Telecom and Dancom Technologies have announced their partnership deal boosting broadband services in the country.

They said in a joint press...

African Water Facility supports peace-building in Darfur through improved access to water and sanitation


African Development Bank  |  February 3, 2012

Approximately 750,000 people in three Darfur states will have improved access to water supply and sanitation through a €3.3 million African Water Facility grant approved by...

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