Infrastructure News

Sierra Leone: Marampa secures export infrastructure


Mining Weekly - 16 April 2012

PERTH ( - ASX-listed Cape Lambert has signed a binding heads of agreement for infrastructure access with its wholly-owned subsidiary Marampa Iron Ore and Aim-listed African...

Category: Transport

South Africa: Unregistered motorists to pay more


Fin24 - 16 April 2012

Johannesburg - Motorists who do not register for e-tags will pay a three times higher punitive rate for using Gauteng's new toll roads, the SA National Roads Agency Limited (Sanral) said on Monday....

Category: Transport

Boom time for Africa’s passenger air traffic


Financial Mail - 16 April 2012

It should spell boom times for airlines but as things now stand few are benefiting, says Comair CEO Erik Venter.

“Comair would fly all over Africa if it were possible,” he says. “There is 20%-...

Category: Transport

Nigeria Tested by Rapid Rise in Population


New York Times - 14 April 2012


Nigeria, already the world’s sixth most populous nation with 167 million people, is a crucial test case, since its success or failure at bringing down birthrates will have outsize...

Category: General

Give China all the roads; traditional donors have moved on to other projects


East African - 14 April 2012

In her column last week, Rasna Warah offered a critique of “traditional donors” in Africa, and heralded a new approach, led by China and embodied most recently by Turkey.

What is this “new...

Categories: Transport, General

African countries must reduce their dependence on donor funds


East African - 14 April 2012

Africa has experienced a rapid economic growth spurt in the past decade however private investment still remains low in the continent. BERNA NAMATA sounded out the deputy director IMF Africa...

Category: General

Nigeria militants threaten South Africa investments


Agence France Presse - 15 avril 2012

LAGOS — Nigeria's militant group MEND threatened on Saturday to attack South Africa's investments, including telecoms firm MTN, in the Niger Delta, because of the terror trial of its leader...

Categories: General, ICT

Lancement des travaux de construction d’une centrale hydroélectrique en Sierra-Léone


Les travaux de construction d’une centrale hydroélectrique viennent de débuter en Sierra-Léone.

Le président de la république Ernest Bai Koroma a procédé cette semaine...

Public-Private Partnership Conference, to be held 5-8 June 2012 in Dakar, Senegal



Category: Water

South Africa: Rail contractor completes major projects, consolidates company


Creamer Media's Engineering News - 13 April 2012

Rail infrastructure contractor Racec has successfully completed major projects in the Northern Cape and Sierra Leone and has consolidated its position as a rail contractor...

Category: Transport

Ghana & Togo in water deal


The Africa Report - 13 April 2012

Ghana and Togo have signed a joint agreement to kick start a 40 year-old project to draw water from the West African country's Volta River to supply the Togolese capital Lome.

The Sogakope-Lome...

Category: Water

Three ways Africans are making cheap do-it-yourself electricity


Christian Science Monitor - 12 April 2012

Across Africa, simple carbon-free technologies and local creative partnerships have the electrical juices flowing, expanding grid access and prosperity.

In countries like Kenya and...

Category: Energy

South Africa: People Want Water, Not 'Commitments'


Democratic Alliance - 12 April 20120

Today's protests against poor water service delivery in Petrusburg's Bolokanang Township show that local municipalities are not succeeding in the realisation of progressive constitutional...

Category: Water

Reduced spring rains in Africa predicted


UPI - 12 April 2012

WASHINGTON, April 12 (UPI) -- Spring rains in the eastern Horn of Africa are likely to begin late this year and be substantially lower than normal, forecasters said.

Through May, the rains are expected to...

Category: Water

Gambia: U.S.$10 Million Water Projects Launched

13/04/2012 - 13 April 2012

The government of The Gambia in collaboration with African Development Bank and Africa Water Facility (AWF) Wednesday launched two sister projects of the National Water Sector Reform (NWSR) and...

Category: Water

South Africa: Concrete product has potential use in rail industry


Creamer Media Engineering News - 13 April 2012

Concrete products manufacturer Rocla has added the Alfabloc precast concrete retaining wall system to its range of products.

Rocla sales engineer Justin Kretzmar says that, while...

Category: Transport

Nairobi Menengai Geothermal Project (video)


ABNDigital - 12 April 2012

The Menengai Geothermal Project is being launched in Nairobi today. The development of the field will set the stage for investments that will help meet Kenya's rapidly increasing demand for power,...

Category: Energy

South Sudan: The Road to Development (video)


World Bank - 9 April 2012

Roughly the size of France, the landlocked country of South Sudan only has about 4,000 km of all weather roads which are classified as international and interstate roads. Watch this video to find out...

Category: Transport

South Africa keen to move ahead with plans to unlock 'northern mineral belt'


Creamer Media's Engineering News - 13 April 2012

JOHANNESBURG ( – Plans for unlocking South Africa's coal- and platinum-rich northern mineral belt through transport, water and energy interventions, were...

Categories: Energy, General, Transport, Water

Zimbabwe: New dams could ease water crisis


Fungai Mbetsa, the acting town clerk of the Zimbabwean municipality of Chitungwiza, has revealed plans to ease the water crisis in the area by constructing two new dams.

At present, the municipality is dependent Harare, the...

Category: Water

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