Infrastructure News

Durban to Explore Sea-Current Power With Hydro Alternative


Bloomberg - 2 May 2012

South Africa's southeastern coastal city of Durban is considering developing plants to generate electricity from sea-currents together with Hydro Alternative Energy Inc., which says the project would be...

Category: Energy

In Sierra Leone, US$34 Million to Rehabilitate Matotoka-Safadu Road


Awareness Times - 2 May 2012

The Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Dr. Samura Kamara, has on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone signed a loan agreement and two grant agreements worth thirty-four...

Category: Transport

'For much of Africa, water resources are available'


Deutsche Welle - 30 April 2012

Africa's chronic shortage of fresh water could be alleviated by stepping up efforts to access groundwater reserves, or aquifers. UK scientists have produced a pan-African map of reserves...

Category: Water

Clean drinking water for everyone

03/05/2012 - 1 May 2012

It’s easy enough to purify clear water. The solar water disinfection method, or SODIS, calls for leaving a transparent plastic bottle of clear water out in the sun for six hours. That allows heat and ...

Category: Water

Wind turbine produces water out of thin air


CNN - 30 April 2012

Wind turbines have long produced renewable energy but a French engineering firm has discovered another eco-purpose for the towering structures.

Eole Water claims to have successfully modified the...

Category: Water

Interpreting New Data on Africa’s Groundwater


Circle of Blue - 2 May 2012

This BBC article, tweeted to our our @circleofblue account, gives the results of a new report by the British Geological Survey (BGS) and the University College London’s Department of Geography (UCL)...

Category: Water

Nigeria Ranks 'Very Low' in Water Index

03/05/2012 - 3 May 2012

Nigeria has been ranked very low in an Africa Water Poverty Index indicating that the country is lagging behind in meeting the water requirement of its population.

But the Minister of water...

Category: Water

Nigerian govt confirms plans to construct new port


The Nigerian Federal Government has revealed more details of an ambitious plan to build a new inland river port in Kogi State, Leadership has reported.

Labaran Maku, the minister of information, confirmed that the new port in...

Category: General

Madagascar : Un large port en projet à Soalala


Le groupe chinois WISCO projette d'installer un grand port à Soalala, dans la région de Boeny à Madagascar.

Le PDG de WISCO, Luo Yuan Jun, a déclaré à l'agence de presse Xinhua que la région cherchait un site côtier favorable...

Category: Transport

Angola : Le gouvernement investit dans l’énergie solaire


Le gouvernement angolais vient d'annoncer son intention d’investir dans plus de 130 projets d’énergie solaire.

Lors d’un forum Allemagne-Afrique sur l’énergie, qui s’est déroulé du 22 au 25 Avril en Allemagne, le ministre...

Kenyan govt announces infrastructure spending


Kenyan government officials have confirmed that a record figure is set to be spent on improving the country's road network and energy improvements, The Star has reported.

The Ministry of Roads will, in fact, receive as much...

Category: General

Annonce de la construction d'un parc éolien de 10MW au Maroc


Une centrale éolienne de 10MW va être mise en service dès 2014 à Safi, au sud de Casablanca (Maroc), a-t-on appris cette semaine.

Ce parc de 10 éoliennes nécessitera un investissement de...

Zimbabwe: Masvingo city officials seek to improve water infrastructure


The Zimbabwean city of Masvingo is actively seeking significant funding to improve the water system in order to cope with a sudden population surge, The Herald has reported.

In order to build new water pumping, conveyance and...

Category: Water

RDC: Annonce d'un vaste projet de production d'électricité sur le fleuve Congo


Les gouvernements sud-africain et congolais ont annoncé la mise en place d'un grand projet de production d'énergie hydroélectrique à partir du fleuve Congo, qui alimenterait l'ensemble du...

Egypte: Inauguration d'un pont reliant les deux rives du Nil


Un nouveau pont reliant les deux rives du Nil a été inauguré le 28 avril par le ministre des Transports Dr Galal El Said

Le Pont Phoh, qui a nécessité un investissement de 130 millions de livres égyptiennes (21,5 millions de...

Category: Transport

Rural Namibia to benefit from electricity improvements


Within the next five years, all Namibian schools and households within an identified radius in rural areas will be electrified, it has been announced.

The move, which is also set to involve churches and market places, forms part...

Category: Energy

Lancement d'un fonds pour développer les projets verts en Afrique


La Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (BOAD) vient d'annoncer le lancement prochain d’un Fonds Carbone dédié à l’Afrique (FCA), doté de 45 millions...

Mauritanie: Les travaux de modernisation du Port de Nouadhibou officiellement terminés


Les travaux de modernisation du port minéralier de Nouadhibou, en Mauritanie, viennent de s'achever le 22 avril dernier.

Réalisés grâce à un investissement de l'Union Européenne...

Category: Transport

Africa: Call for More Investment in Water

26/04/2012 - 24 April 2012

SUB-Saharan African countries including Tanzania need to revisit their water policies and invest heavily in the sector.

Zanzibar President Dr Ali Mohamed Shein said in Dar es Salaam on Monday that...

Category: Water

South Africa’s Transnet to Buy Site of Former Durban Airport


Bloomberg BusinessWeek - 25 April 2012

Transnet SOC Ltd., operator of South Africa’s ports and railways, will acquire the site of the former Durban International Airport to build a new port, Transport Minister Sibusiso Ndebele...

Category: Transport

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