Infrastructure News

Infrastructure improvements are 'key to tourism industry'


In order to boost the African tourism industry, countries across the continent need to continue to invest in their infrastructure and improve their human resource.

That is according to Taleb Rifai, the United Nations World...

Category: General

MDNA expects East-West road completion by 2013


The Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs (MNDA) has revealed that the cost of a major new road has risen over the last few years.

MDNA confirmed that the East-West road in Nigeria, which runs 338 kilometres, is around 50 per cent...

African leaders call for acceleration of infrastructure development plan


In order to make the necessary infrastructure improvements in the continent of Africa, as much as $60 billion (£38.2 billion) is needed over the next decade.

That is the conclusion of the Global African Diaspora Summit in...

Category: General

Gabon : La BM octroie 58 millions USD pour la fibre optique


La Banque Mondiale a accordé un prêt de 58 millions de dollars au Gabon afin de financer la connexion du pays au câble sous-marin de fibre optique ACE (Africa Cost to Europe).

La convention de prêt a...

Category: ICT

Mozambique to fund road repairs on dozens of routes


A Mozambique council is to invest 50 million metcais (£1.21 million) in repairing and improving its roads to help boost the local economy. Dozens of routes have fallen into disrepair in the country's capital of Maputo,...

Tunisie: Démarrage des travaux de construction de l'autoroute Oued Zarga-Boussalem


Les travaux d'aménagement du second tronçon de l'autoroute A3 ont été lancés le 18 mai à Oued Zarga, en Tunisie.

Ce tronçon de 54 kilomètres, dont le coût...

Category: Transport

L'Egypte va produire 3500 MW à partir de l'énergie solaire


Hassan Younes, ministre égyptien de l'électricité et de l'énergie, a annoncé mercredi 23 mai que  « le secteur de l'électricité avait maintenant...

AfDB grant to help improve South Sudan and Ethiopia water facility


The African Water Facility will provide a €2 million (£1.6 million) grant to help provide multi-purpose water resource projects in South Sudan and Ethiopia. That is after the African Development Bank (AfDB) approved...

Category: Water

Tanzania: AfDB extends loan for road improvement work


The African Development Bank (AfDB) has announced that it has extended the loan that it has given to Tanzania for the construction of roads.

Ramadhani Khijjah, working on behalf of the government, confirmed that the loan...

South African govt considers funding models for infrastructure projects


The South African government is currently exploring various funding models for its ambitious infrastructure improvement projects, worth R3.2 trillion (£24.4 billion).

That is according to Malusi Gigaba, the country's...

Category: General

Nigeria minister reveals plan to reconstruct Cameroon link road


A minister for the Nigerian federal government has announced plans to rebuild the Nguru-Gashua-Bayamari road in Yobe State, which is 120 kilometres long and helps to connect the country with neighbouring Cameroon.

Dr Yerima...

La 4G bientôt en service au Maroc


L’Agence nationale de réglementation des télécommunications (ANRT) va commencer les travaux d’étude de l’installation de la technologie mobile 4G au Maroc dans quelques...

Study to assess the potential for enhanced private participation in the maritime and air transport sectors in Africa


The members of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) seek to facilitate sustainable investment in infrastructure development from both public and private sources. This study has been procured to assess the potential...

Category: Transport

Kenyan firm unveils plans for gas-fired power plant


Eddy Njoroge, the managing director of KenGen, the Kenyan electricity generating company, has revealed ambitious plans to create a gas-fired power plant to run on imported liquefied natural gas.

To achieve this, Mr Njoroge said...

Category: Energy

Coopération chinoise et congolaise pour la réalisation d'infrastructures de transport et d'énergie


Les travaux de construction du barrage de Liuoesso (Congo), menés par l'entreprise chinoise China Gezhouba Group Company Ltd, viennent de démarrer.

Construit sur la rivière Lengoué, cet ouvrage...

Category: Transport

Egypt: Govt confirms construction of new airport


Kamal al-Ganzouri, the prime minister of Egypt, has announced plans to build a new airport in Ras Sedr, with the cost of the construction work expected to reach as much as LE 600 million.

The prime minister explained that in...

Lancement des travaux de construction d’un axe routier entre le Congo et le Cameroun


Les travaux de construction d’une route reliant le Congo au Cameroun ont débuté le 17 mai à Ketta, au nord-est du Congo.

Cet axe s'étend sur 312 kilomètres entre les villes de ...

Category: Transport

Lancement des travaux de construction du barrage hydro-électrique Zongo II en RDC


Les travaux de construction du barrage hydro-électrique Zongo II, dans la région du Bas-Congo, en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), ont débuté mercredi 16 mai.

Le coût de ce...

Guinée: 145 millions USD pour développer la production d'électricité


Le coordinateur général de la Société EDG (Electricité de Guinée), Abdoulaye Kéita, a procédé le 11 mai dernier dans le quartier de Tombo à Kaloum en...

Nigerian govt announces funding for new energy project


The Nigerian government has announced that it has secured the funding it needs to improve the country’s energy infrastructure and the use of solar technology in particular.

A new wave of funding has been provided by the Japanese...

Category: Energy

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