Infrastructure News

The WADB grants 80 million euros in aid to Niger for energy


The West African Development Bank (WADB) announced last Sunday that it was going to grant 80 million euros to Niger to finance several energy projects.

The announcement was made by...

Category: Energy

Fibre optic cable to boost African internet connectivity


Internet use and connectivity across east Africa is set for a boost thanks to a multi-million dollar investment in the region.

Some $400 million (£242.3 million) is being spent by Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi...

Category: ICT

Two Chinese enterprises chosen to rehabilitate airports of N’djili and Loano in DRC


Two Chinese enterprises have been selected by the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to carry out works on rehabilitating and modernizing two airports.

The signature...

Category: Transport

Cameroon: Three financial backers inject 67 million euros for a power station at Dibamba


The Dibamba Power Development Company (Dpdc), which runs the Dibamba power station in Cameroon, has just obtained funding of 67 million euros.

These funds are being provided by...

Category: Energy

African internet prices to be reduced thanks to R350m fibre cable


Broadband prices across Africa could be reduced following news that a R350 million (£30.6 million) fibre system linking Gauteng and Mtunzini on the KwaZulu-Natal north coast has been switched on.

The system, which is owned...

Category: ICT

India to provide five billion dollar lines of credit to Africa (PM)


India is to provide Africa with lines of credit amounting to a total of some five billion dollars by 2014, it was learned this week.

These funds will be earmarked to help governments reach their development goals,...

Categories: General, Transport

French investment to boost Kenyan energy markets


French investment in carbon trading projects in Kenya will come as a boost to the nation's environmentally-friendly energy infrastructure.

Some Sh500 million (£3.6 million) is being allocated by French sovereign fund...

Category: Energy

Guinea Bissau: WB allocates 2.2 million dollars to electricity infrastructure project


The World Bank has just awarded an additional grant of 2.2 million dollars to the Emergency Electricity and Water Rehabilitation Project in Guinea-Bissau.

Senior energy economist of the World Bank, Moez...

Category: Energy

Congo wants to attain 90 percent access to electricity by 2015


The Congolese Minister for Energy and Water, Bruno Jean Richard Itoua, announced last Monday that the Congo aimed to attain 90 percent access to electricity by 2015.

The government will concentrate on...

Categories: Energy, Transport

World Bank grants 90 million USD to Niger for water and sanitation


Last Monday, the World Bank granted a 90 million dollar loan to Niger to finance the Urban Water and Drainage Program (PEAMU).

It includes the extension of the network and an increase in water...

Category: Water

Morocco plans renewable energy investment


The Moroccan government has revealed plans to invest €8 billion (£6.9 billion) in renewable energy projects between now and 2020.

In addition, the German government has agreed to support the plan with further...

Category: Energy

DBSA loans $71m for transport improvements in Zambia


Some $71 million (£44 million) has been loaned by the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) to the National Road Fund Agency (NRFA).

The cash will be used to finance the upgrading of five major roads in Zambia to tarmac...

Category: Transport

WADB lends over 11 million USD to Benin


The West African Development Bank (WADB) has granted a loan of 11.3 million dollars to Benin in order to contribute to the funding of a road infrastructure project.

This is the project to...

Category: Transport

Funding aims to improve Uganda's rural infrastructure


Rural infrastructure in Uganda is set to be improved following the approval of a $64.8 million (£39.6 million) loan to the country.

Offered by the African Development Fund, the cash will be used to improve the quality of...

Categories: Energy, Transport

Morocco: Inauguration of tramway line between Rabat and Salé


The first section of the tramway in Morocco was inaugurated last Wednesday, in the presence of King Mohammed VI.

It will link the cities of Rabat and Salé. Forty four tramways,...

Category: Transport

India set to increase energy exposure in Africa


Energy is expected to be a topic high on the agenda at the India-Africa Forum Summit which kicks-off today (June 20th).

The five-day conference, which will take place in New Delhi, is an important economic and political platform...

Category: Energy

Work starts on construction of hydroelectric dam in Niger


Work on the construction of the first phase of the hydroelectric dam at Kandadji, on the river Niger, will start on 23 May.

"The Nigerian government has already released more than 2...

Categories: Energy, Transport

East African internet access to be boosted by new investment


Internet and satellite TV access across East Africa are set to be improved thanks to a $57.5 million investment by Kenya's Wananchi Group.

Business Daily reports that the digital media company has reportedly attracted...

Category: ICT

Launch of fiber-optic cable project in Mauritania


Last Tuesday in Nouakchott, telephone operator Mauritel launched a fiber optic cable project linking the towns of Nouakchott and Kobonni.

The project consists of laying a cable with a capacity...

Category: ICT

New powerplant to give Cameroon an energy boost


Investment from the IFC, the Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) is expected to help boost Cameroon’s energy infrastructure.

The three organisations are investing a total of...

Category: Energy

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