PPFN agrees to adopt changes to operational processes
27 June 2016
A meeting of the ICA-managed Project Preparation Facilities Network (PPFN) has agreed to improve its operational processes, including the streamlining of objectives and the introduction of a rotational secretariat.
Meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 7 and 8 June 2016, members of the PPFN agreed that focussing on two key objectives – information sharing & project collaboration and governance & business modelling – would serve to enhance co-financing and collaboration.
The meeting also agreed that the Secretariat of the PPFN should be held by a member of the Network and rotated every two years. The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) offered to take on the Secretariat role for the next two years, and undertook to ‘champion’ the Network.
The PPFN meeting also asked the ICA to expand and improve the Fund Finder searchable database of projects on its website.
All the amended procedures and operational changes will be adopted when the PPFN meets later this year during the 2016 ICA Annual Meeting.
Launched in 2014 and managed through the ICA, the PPFN is a network of funding facilities dedicated to sustainable infrastructure in Africa. Members advocate for more financial resources for infrastructure project preparation and are committed to work together through information sharing about projects, case studies and best practice in governance.