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Regional and Domestic Power Markets Development Project (Southern Africa Power Markets Program APL1-b) SIL—PID


The development objectives of the Project are (a) to increase domestic consumption, notably in Kinshasa,and exports to the SAPP; and (b) improve the efficiency of SNEL.The Project consists of five components as follows:Component 1: Generation (US$224.8 million): Rehabilitation of the hydroelectric facilities at Inga, including civil works on the intake canal to improve the water flow through the plant and rehabilitation of turbines to increase the operational capacity of the Inga plant (1 and 2) from its current maximum of about 700 MW to about 1300 MW.Component 2: Transmission (US$ 94.0 million): construction of a 400 KV Inga-Kinshasa transmission line to complement the existing 220 KV line. The second line will complement the existing 220 kV Inga/Kinshasa transmission line, increasing the amount of power to be delivered to the Kinshasa distribution network. The line will relieve the current saturation of the existing line, thereby improving the security of transport of power from Inga to Kinshasa. Component 3: Distribution (US$ 79.9 million): Expansion and strengthening the distribution system in Kinshasa, including the acquisition of low voltage cables and transformers, and the extension of the grid into currently un-electrified areas of Kinshasa and the connection in theseareas of an aggregate of 50,000 new customers. Component 4: Capacity Building (US$ 31.2 million) Component 5: Project Execution (US$ 34.7 million, including Project preparatory activities):Effective implementation of the Project works, in an environmentally and socially sound manner,including appointment of supervisory engineering consultants, environmental/social consultants, and the PFM Agent.

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Categories: Energy, Democratic Republic of Congo

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