Legal Frameworks for Renewable Energy - Policy Analysis for 15 Developing and Emerging Countries
- Author
- Description
Due to the growing importance of renewable energy on global scale, a need for effective support policies arises in many countries. Experts often take so-called “good practice examples”, which promise high effectiveness and efficiency, as the basis to design similar polices for other countries, hoping that they would work as successfully in the target country as in the country of origin. Yet, the practical transfer of these policies is often very problematic and, in many cases, even leads to complete failure. Thisis because each country has a unique political, economic, and social setting that heavily influences the functionality and impact of policies. There are different administrative structures, varying stakeholder interests, different market conditions, or simply contrary political goals that affect the success or failure of a policy. In addition, many papers that have been prepared in recent years lacked the possibility to effectively compare parameters that are essential for successful renewable energy support because their text-based nature limited authors in
addressing all relevant aspects.
- Publication date
- 2012
- Document type
- Report
- Language(s)
- English
- Website
- Download
- Legal Frameworks for Renewable Energy (2.87 MB)
Categories: Energy, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Kenya